Visiting Us For Worship
Most Sundays worship starts at 9:30 am. We welcome visitors at the meeting house cluster, 1721 Sanger. However, any given Sunday may find us on retreat together, at the lake for a baptism, or at the park for a special service. If you are visiting Hope Fellowship, please contact us in advance about our schedule for that week.
Hope Fellowship’s worship life flows from our life together as the body of Christ. In worship we gather to acknowledge God as our God and ourselves as God’s people. In worship we are always aware of the presence of Jesus’ spirit among us.
Our worship services are molded from the gifts that come from the Spirit. Everyone participates. A variety of sisters and brothers lead music and play instruments, provide “children’s time,” facilitate the sharing of testimonies and petitions, read the day’s scriptures, provide translation from English into Spanish or vice versa, and share in many other ways. A small worship team oversees our worship, and most people in the fellowship help plan and organize the services from time to time.
Most of our worship services do not include a sermon, but instead are followed by an adult teaching time while children are in Sunday School. If, for whatever reason, there is no teaching hour on a particular Sunday, a homily will be included in the worship service.
In 2011, due to our growth in numbers, we began to worship in clusters on Sunday morning, with one cluster meeting at our meeting house and other clusters meeting in members’ homes in the neighborhood. We typically all come back to the meeting house for the second hour for the Sunday School/teaching hour.
Hope Fellowship accepts any previous baptism claimed by a believer seeking to join us. We practice only believer’s baptism after a time of guidance and instruction and do not baptize children below the age of accountability. Our baptismal services are typically held at Lake Waco and are huge celebrations the fellowship’s life.